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Winfrid Eisenberg
Dr. Winfrid Eisenberg was born in 1937 in Hanau. He is a former paediatric physician and was Director of the Peadiatric Clinic in Herford from 1984 to 2002. Before that he worked for three years as a physician in Tanzania. Winfrid Eisenberg is active in the German Association for the Protection of Children and is a long-standing member of IPPNW, active in ist working group on nuclear energy issues. He is an expert on the subject of low-dose radiation and author of the brochure “Nuclear Power Plants Make Children Sick”, published by IPPNW and Ausgestrahlt.
Svetlana Kabanzova
Svetlana Kabanzova teaches German in Kostjukovitschi and lived on radioactively contaminated territory in Belarus until 2009, when she finally moved to Belaja Dubrova with her family. For several years she accompanied and cared for many children from the village Noschewoje on their recreational holidays at the homes of German families.
Prof. Dr. Hideto Sotobayashi
Prof. Sotobayashi was born in Nagasaki and survived the bombing of Hiroshima at the age of 16. 1971 he habilitated at the Technical University of Berlin where he taught as professor for physical chemistry until 1994. As professor emeritus he publicly disclosed himself as Hibakusha. Since then he has held many lectures in germany and is strongly engaged for peace and international understanding.
Interview "Ich hasse es, Blut zu sehen" in the Tagesspiegel of March 27th, 2011 (in German)
Reinhold Thiel
Reinhold Thiel is a physician, member of the executive board at the German affiliate of IPPNW and active member of the IPPNW nuclear energy team. For the past 25 years he has been dealing with the imponderability of the German laws on radiation protection.
Doug Weir
Doug Weir holds degrees in Geology and Print Journalism and has been working on the campaign against depleted uranium weapons since 2005. After starting on the UK domestic campaign with the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium he later became Coordinator of the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons. ICBUW is a global civil society network campaigning for a ban on uranium in all conventional weapons and for health and environmental monitoring and assistance for all affected communities.
Alexander Yemelyanenkov
Alexander Yemelyanenkov is an expert on nuclear arms control and the handling of fissile materials in the countries of the former USSR. For the past 20 years he has been working as an independent journalist in Moscow.